Now Simplified!

We're continuously making improvements to our website to make it easier for everyone to use. ESU LokSound decoders are now in a new format. Instead of trying to find the right sound file group for the specific decoder you need, we've put all of the sound files together into individual dropdown menus for each specific decoder, as seen in the image below.

Click the button below to view all currently available ESU LokSound DCC Sound decoders.


These dropdown menus work exactly the same as they did previously. Simply select the file you want from any of the dropdowns and add the decoder to your cart. There is also a No Programming check box for those of you who have a LokProgrammer and want to load your own sound files.

Searching for the right decoder is easy! If you know the specific decoder that you need, use our search bar to find it by typing in the number. For example, if you need an ESU 58420 decoder, type "esu58420" into the search bar, hit enter, and you'll be brought right to the product page.