If a Jack Wabbit is going to be used with snap coils, we add a capacitor to the board to provide extra energy to operate the coils. In this version, the Jack Wabbit will operate snap coil OR stall motor machinse on an output by output basis. You set a CV for the snap coil outputs so the Jack Wabbit knows which is a snap or stall motor. There is a high energy version of the Jack Wabbit. If you order this version, we change the power supply to double the voltage to the snap coils. This version is designed for machines like the NJI snap coils which take a lot of energy to operate and this configuration can only be used with snap coil switches.
Jack_Wabbit-for-Solenoids_rectangularIf you are not using LocoNet, then order the version without LocoNet. All versions have discrete outputs which define the position of each switch output. These are designed for use with the NCE AIU. The AIU allows you to interface discrete inputs to the NCE cab bus. Unlike Digitrax, the NCE sytem does not have the ability to display switch position on the throttle other than to report the last movement. There are no throttle messages that allow the reporting of discretes on the throttle. Digitrax has specific LocoNet messages that report switch position on the throttle. Just to be clear, the Jack Wabbit operates on DCC packets when used with NCE. The Jack Wabbit operates on DCC packets AND/OR LocoNet instructions when used with Digitrax. The Jack Wabbit is designed to allow you to run your layout on NCE, and report switch position via LocoNet [DCS100/Command Station] to a Digitrax throttle or control software. Some folks really like the quality  and design of NCE, but still want the feedback features found in Digitrax. As a note, with the dual setup, you can run your switches with either the NCE throttle via DCC packets, OR, the Digitrax throttle via LocoNet commands.