I'm building a new layout with a hidden track that the train has to reverse direction in. I'm thinking of a 2 leg wye where the train will enter the wye through a turnout onto a single track, stop and turnout moved to other direction, then proceed again in the other direction. Is there a way to automate this all, so the train will stop, turnout switched, and train proceed again? This will all be on a hidden track under a mountain. I am using MRC Prodigy Advance system that I bought from you.   Gary S.


Gary, unless you are using JMRI or a similar layout control program (e.g. Railroad and Company) there is no way to totally automate this sequence. However, the PSX breaker has the ability to turn off the track power when the train passes over a photo cell, and to give you a block occupied signal when the cell is covered. You would arm the photo cell and then set the incoming switch for the train to enter. When it reached the photo cell, power would drop out and the train would stop. A PSX output would tell you that the block was occupied. At your leisure, you could then set the outgoing switch, tell the PSX to turn on, and then reverse run the train out the alternate track.